Greetings Symposiasts!
Welcome to another wonderful year of poetry, friends, Friday-evening antics and to our inaugural newsletter!
I would first of all like to welcome and thank this year’s executive committee; everyone on the committee has done a wonderful job preparing for the coming year, organising our Market Day stall, pencilling in this year’s events and planning our first publication:
Co-Vice-Presidents—Josh and Sam
Director of Propaganda (formally, marketing)—Michael
Publications Officer—Katelyn
Firstly, we invite everyone to come by the Symposium stall at Market Day, on Wednesday the 23rd of February, and for those of you wanting to work at the stall, we invite you also to come in a literary-themed costume, word is that Beatrix Potter will be in attendance! You can also purchase your Symposium membership at the stall for $5, and with this you will receive your Symposium membership card and an ever-handy bookmark.
After Market Day, our first meeting is on Friday the 4th of March, at a top secret location that we are yet to announce. Everyone is welcome to bring poems (or even sections of prose) to share and read aloud. The theme for the first week is the Romantics. I look forward to seeing you all there!
This year, we are planning several fundraising barbecues (and a number of other events still ‘in the works’) to fund our very first publication. We are very pleased to announce that we shall be compiling a collection of Symposists’ original poetic works into a coffee-table volume with its very own ISBN. Michael, our very enthusiastic Director of Propaganda, is keenly running this project and is happy to hear any members’ suggestions as to the publication of our anthology.
As you can see, we have also started our online monthly newsletter this year. Posts are going to include not only Symposium news, but book and music recommendations, interviews and more, so check back again soon for the first semester issue.
Once again, thank you to the executive committee, to members new and old, and to the poets’ whose work we love.