Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 8 Newsletter

Greetings Symposiasts!

It’s the last week before the mid-semester break and I’m eyeing off all the chocolates that are building up in the grocery stores; I foresee a lot of chocolate goodies being consumed at Symposium after the holidays!

Calendar & Updates
This Thursday (NOT Friday!) is the Symposium Pizza & Movie night! We’re going to be watching Bright Star, a take on John Keats’ later years, and a breathtaking one at that. But please note, the movie night is being held in the Hartley Teakle building (83), room S301. Please don’t come to the wrong room on the wrong day!

Last week the theme was music and, thus, the remainder of this weeks’ newsletter is dedicated largely to music recommendations; go and have a listen, you mind find something new to keep you grooving.

Entertainment Corner

What We're Hearing
Here's what we're all listening to at the moment—

Some sad songs:
·         Gary Juels—‘Mad World’
·         Barbarossa—‘Stones’
A happy number:
·         His very own youtube channel!

What We're Reading
This week, I would like to direct you all to some of Lan’s famous Harry Potter fanfics! She has both Draco/Hermione and Harry/Pansy fanfiction works and her website looks like a great place to hang if you’re getting sick of making flash cards and eating chocolates this holidays!

Once you’ve gone back to your Harry Potter days—a nostalgic journey for many—my aunt and I are tag-team writing the sequel to her first novel! A comedy crime about an overzealous blonde whose not all too handy with weaponry as she solves crime on the Sunshine Coast, the novel will appear piece-by-piece on her blog.

Writing Challenge
If you’re still looking for a bit of fun over the break, here’s some more writing challenges to keep you busy (and don’t forget to email us your entry for last week’s!)

·         In contrast to our first challenge, write a poem describing a woman as an item of weaponry.
·         In light of last week’s theme, write to the phrase they fought with music.
·         This has happened to me many times this semester so answer the question why does it always rain when I wear my red shoes?
·          A bit of romance: write a poem from the point of view of a historic character you admire to their lover.
·         For those into Sci-Fi: A scientists mutates worms to have clover-shaped DNA. What happens to them?
·         Write a poem describing your favourite meal.
·         Answer the question: what is one piece of advice you wished you’d listened to?
·         In the flavour of Easter, describe the world from the point of view of a rabbit.
·         Again, also in the flavour of Easter, describe the world from the point of view of a Lindt Chocolate Rabbit, in either prose or poetry.
·         Finally, write a poem to that person. You know who they are.




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